Summer 2014 PyCamps are scheduled

Summer 2014 PyCamp schedules have just been announced!  I attended PyCamp last year and loved every moment of it.  Being self-taught, it helped fill in a ton of gaps I had and introduced me to so much new stuff to explore.  These are not meant for absolute beginners, but you don’t need to be anContinue reading “Summer 2014 PyCamps are scheduled”

In defense of documentation and /r/learnpython

I feel like any discussion of reddit as a source of anything requires a “defense of” perspective.  There is a traditional and justified fear of going to the internet for help, but I have been pleasantly surprised at the /r/learnpython community.  Perhaps it is because the entire purpose of this group is for newbies toContinue reading “In defense of documentation and /r/learnpython”

Presenting at PyCon!

PyCon 2014 is coming up quickly!  I am so excited to be presenting a poster and have been working madly to finish it up. Link to the program entry for my poster My poster focuses on students who are attempting to learn programming and/or Python from outside a standard computer science educational track.  These students include (but notContinue reading “Presenting at PyCon!”